Revision 5/17/24
By registering for participation in a Proficiency Testing, Inc. (PTI) offered proficiency test, participants agree to the following requirements and conditions:
- Proficiency tests may be reserved with a company purchase order.
- Participants must follow all instructions. Complete instructions are provided in the test folder found in your participant portal. This includes return packaging and handling instructions. Failure to follow all instructions could lead to delay in receiving reports, unsatisfactory performance in the test or the participant being responsible for damage to the proficiency test kit.
- Your laboratory must have equipment capable of performing the measurements required. Contact PTI with any questions prior to enrolling in the PT/ILC.
- All completed data entry forms must be uploaded electronically on the data entry sheet provided. No pdf forms, please.
- You must complete data entry forms ensuring the measurement data and uncertainty values are in the unit of measure indicated on the form. Inaccurate data entry may lead to failures on reports.
- Your laboratory agrees to pay for the repair or replacement of any proficiency test kit damaged while in your possession and control.
- Test kit items are not to be adjusted or altered in any manner. Adjustment will invalidate the entire test and affect all participants. Failure to follow this condition will result in the participant laboratory to be held financially responsible for the cost of the artifact including calibration costs and possible administrative fees.
- All return shipping costs are the responsibility of the participant laboratory.
- Artifacts are shipped in protective containers or with special packing materials. The instructions will include directions for re-use of these materials. Failure to follow the instructions may result in the participant being charged for any damage to the artifacts.
- Artifacts are inspected for damage and photographic images made and stored at Proficiency Testing, Inc. Participants will be advised of damages.
- PTI test cycles are designed to allow your laboratory at least seven days at your facility to perform the testing and report results. Even with outliers, there is enough time to correct and retest.
- Our test scheme allows for the initial submission of data. In case of outliers, a $50.00 administrative fee is charged for each resubmission of data.
- The artifacts must be return shipped before the final report is released.
- Participants are also required to email Proficiency Testing, Inc. the tracking number of the return shipment.
- PTI will send the participant an email with the tracking number when the artifact is shipped. The participant is required to notify PTI if the artifact is not received on the scheduled date.
- The containers will be clearly marked to be delivered to the person that has been designated as the contact during the application process. The participant is required to unpack the artifact and inspect it for any damage. Upon discovery of any damages, the participant is to contact PTI immediately for further instructions. Participants are asked to take photos of damage and be ready to share those with the PTI staff.
- The laboratory agrees to maintain confidentiality of results provided in the final report. Do not disclose the information to other participant laboratories.